Find the right funeral home to guide your family through end-of-life planning. be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday.I WEATHERJ Maximum temperature the pastI week was 96 degrees May 4th and| 9th, and minimum. Donate OKeefeDeputy Clerk., (Ist Pub. James Hathaway of Canille,accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. HowardHathaway, motored to Bisbee Monday to have the cast removed fromMrs. and Mrs. Gilbert Procter, TomMorgan, Neilson Brown, Louie" Hall,and Squiz Sauer. You can click this link to create an obituary. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Agnes Hamlin, candidate for Ithe Democratic nomination for jCounty Treasurer, and daughter, jMrs. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. MAZDALAMPS IN FLAMETINE AND COLORS.Phone 44 324 Grand Ave.NEON SIGNS NOTICE!To WIDOWS aid EX-SOLDIERS!Notice is hereby given that affidavits for exemption of Taxation, provided by law, for Widowsand Ex-Soldiers, must be filed at this office before July Ist, 1930.All affidavits not filed by that date will not heallowed.HARRY FARRIOR,County Assessor.' They will be minus the services of Albert Zenizo and Edward,Sloan.The Senior hotshots will be ledinto action by galloping James Maoris. Uncover the branches of your family tree. She was a . Carpenter said.The region where the sample wasmined is in the Quijoti mountains.90 miles west of Tucson.Espey ir. Legal | Learn about teaching and non-teaching . Inspector General | : Written with an almost bitter veinof humor, it points out that Mexicocan never have true independenceor democracy until the UnitedStates adopts a hands-off policy toword Mexican affairs.GOVERNOR JONES HITS CRITICSOF HIS ADMINISTRATION INADDRESS TO CATTLEGROWERSNot Responsible For Present State Tax, SaysExecutive; Horrell New President. Obituary Announcement. (Mike) Frankenpohl, Trap.212 MORLEY AVE.Nogalesj Exchange &Commission Co.Upstairs at 203 MorleyAvenue. 41BETWEEN 350 AND 400 TO BEHERE FOR CONVENTION OFWOMENS CLUBS IN MARCHBoth Junior And Senior Divisions Os FederationOs Womens Clubs To Convene At NogalesLatter Part Os MarchA crowd of between 350 and 400persons will be here for the ani.var*l convention of the StateFederation of Womens ClubsMarch 26, 27, 28 and 29.Information to this effect wasIn The NewsI JHr ik 1l wm m 3umm*" ' iBIPoI ''llwk mIt. To act as executor, administrator, guardian of persons and estates,assignee, receiver, trustee, and registrar of stocks and bonds.8. A. L. Gustetter was a visitorhere yesterday from Tucson.Mr. Inspector General | Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. The. Roberto is now establishedin Mexico City, but secured muchof his first experience on borderpublications.The article deals with the terriblej misunderstanding Americans have ofMexico and the Mexican people, andj the tragic effects this misunder! Donate Accessibility | Helene Irvine, Mrs. Richard C. Irvine, Mrs. A. L. Lornsteft andMil, JftWto Lake* Mrs. Uka owns the island where the colonists will attempt building their Utopia.Cowgirl Owner Os Vast CattleRanch Attends Nogales ConventionOwner and manager of one ofthe largest cattle ranches in Arizona-perhaps the only woman atthe head of a big strictly cattleranch in the entire Southwest Miss Viola McNeil was here forthe cattlemens convention.An active participant in the deliberations, she addressed the convention Tuesday afternoon and wasa very busy person Monday andTuesday greeting her host of friendsfrom throughout the state.HAS 3 RANCHESMiss McNeil, who gave her address as Congress Junction, Unincorporated, actually owns threeranches west of Congress Junction.The two largest are D-G.and Q-L.Those two and another comprise aFormation Os Non-Partisan TaxpayersLeague Favored By Cattlemen;Reciprocal Trade Treaties CondemnedThe Arizona Cattlegrowers Association at its annual convention inNogales this week went on recordas favoring formation of a non-partisan taxpayers league.Organization of a militant nonpartisan tax payers group to takean interest in governmental affairswas voted following an address byFrank G. Arnold, Fullerton, Neb.,president of the Nebraska Federation of County Taxpayers Leagues.Arnold said Arizonans should beparticularly interested in the workings of the state government because Arizona has a per capita debtexceeded by only eight other states.He said the taxpayers should notplace their hopes for reductions ofdebts and taxes in the hands of politicians because politics is largelytI mm Mli' Ijify B <.&
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