Assign students the task of thinking of a time when they had a challenge to meet. In the evenings, her father regales her with old folktales of the Jade Dragon and the Old Man of the Moon, who knows the answers to all of life's questions. I LOVED it! Minli's restlessness is her central conflicted character trait. Choose a character to represent each of the literary characters. Meanwhile, as Dragon waits outside of the city, he receives a string of destiny from one of the Guardians of the City. At that point, the string turns into a bridge Minli uses to walk up to the moon and visit the Old Man. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - Character Map Minli (her name means "quick thinking") is the main character. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon Character Analysis Minli Minli is the protagonist and hero in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Place on parchment lined baking sheet. She describes a poor woman who was blessed with loving husband and a beautiful, happy daughter. Readers of the book get to relive the story of Minli's journey, readers Minli remains silent, absorbing this new information. It was written and illustrated by Grace Lin and published in 2009. Ba, however, seems glad that Minli is so hopeful. She ultimately meets the king, and he willingly gives up the borrowed line, which is revealed to be a page from the Book of Fortune, a legendary book that tells of fates and can be read only by immortal folk. I really think you should read it! Define a frame story and explain the complex way that subsidiary stories are embedded within the novel, Identify different types of challenges in the story. The objective of her quest is to find the Old Man of the Moon who possesses the power to change a persons fortune. During her journey, she comes across many challenges. (for grades 3-6), 2010 Newbery Honor NY Times Bestseller (Feb 4th, March 14th 2010) IndieBound Bestseller 2010 Bank Street College of Education Josette Frank Award 2010 Indies Choice Book Awards Finalist For Middle Reader Book of the Year Al Rokers TODAY Show Kids Book Club Pick, December 2009 2010 Mythopeic Fantasy Award for Childrens Literature Starred Kirkus Review Starred School & Library Journal Review Starred Booklist Review Booklist Top 10 SF/Fantasy for Youth:2009 2009 Parents Choice Gold Winner 2010 CCBC Choices List 2010 EB White Read-Aloud Honor Book 2010 Massachusetts Book Award for Childrens/Young Adult Literature, I dont think that, in the fourteen years I have worked as a childrens bookseller and the 16 years I have been a mother buying books for her children, I have ever seen such a magnificently illustrated, beautiful gem of a book hit the shelves. Tanya from, This is a flawless little gem of a book, written in a straightforward, warm tone that always has a hint of a smile in itThere is a lovely sense of satisfaction as one link after another is connected, until the entire shape of the book is revealed like a Chinese knot seemingly complicated yet pleasing and harmonious. Eva from Evas Book Addiction, Booklist*Starred Review* In this enchanted and enchanting adventure, Minli, whose name means quick thinking, lives with her desperately poor parents at the confluence of Fruitless Mountain and the Jade River. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon - SuperSummary Get Where the Mountain Meets the Moon from Ask students to choose a page at random and read aloud the most vivid sentence they can find to the class. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon Summary and Study Guide Dragon cannot fly. [10], According to Journal of Education, Grace Lin is the "best-selling author of The Year of the Dog and The Year of the Rat". CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. who have not yet read the book get excited and ALL have a great time! What do you think is the secret of happiness? Have students tell the story of their challenge and how they met it. The stone lion gives the thread to Dragon. This time, it says, You only lose what you cling to. After thinking this over, the king decides that giving the paper to Minli is the only way to avoid losing it. All rights reserved. After her mother ridicules what she believes to be a foolish purchase, Minli sets out to find the Old Man of the Moon, who, it is told, may impart the true secret to good fortune. Minli is a strong character and a positive role model. (If the class has already studied the concept, teachers may want to point out that this is an excellent example of a. The author of where the Mountain Meets the moon is Grace Lin. Seeing her mothers unhappiness, the daughter grew discontented and went away to try to change her familys fortune. A set of twins from the village manage to trick the Green Tiger down an abandoned well and the next day take Minli and Dragon to Never-Ending Mountain, which turns out to be only a day's journey from the village. (Most students will say it is very big and has a huge population; a few may be able to bring up current events involving China.) After students have completed the first draft of their story, conduct a peer-editing session in your usual manner (or a self-editing session if you think any of the stories cover sensitive material that the students would be uncomfortable sharing). Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Because of Minli's sacrifice to help a friend, she and her family receive everything they could ever have hoped for. Select colors and a pose appropriate to story and character traits. The goal of this activity is to have students engage with the text through a series of focused questions listed by chapter and page in Worksheet 1. physical and character traits of both major and minor characters. Mix well, a soft dough should form. That is, does it have a beginning, a middle, and an end? This talking creature helps the heroine and her friend along their way early in the story. Think About Your Own Answers (with a reading guide) Put the character's name in the title boxes and choose a character and scene to represent each one. (Something that takes great physical or mental effort to do successfully) Show students photos of types of challenges (see Preparation and Resources) and discuss the types of challenges shown. This strong-willed, young Chinese girl lives in the Village of Fruitless Mountain and decides to run off on a quest to change her family's fortune. In this activity, students return to the novel to analyze the folktale embedded within it. The main characters are Minli, Ba, Ma and Dragon. Be sure to include evidence from the text in their answers. With the help of a buffalo boy, Minli tracks down the King. The main character of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is Minli, a young girl who lived in China many years ago. . While folktales often include recognizable character types, and certainly we can identify some stock traits here (clever, wise, whiny, kind and poor, greedy, etc.) Kid reviews for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Resources for Socratic seminars for elementary school students can be found online. She can either ask him to fix her familys fortune, or she can ask him to help Dragon fly. Wishes to find Old Man of the Moon in order to change her family's fortune.Has to choose which question to ask Old Man in the Moon. Minlis determination to help her family, as well as the grief her parents feel at her absence, is compelling and thoroughly human. How does this character change over time? The cellar was dark and kind of creepy. If you read Where The Mountain Meets The Moon, you wouldn't be disappointed because it is an incredible book. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. Along the way, Minli meets a special friend. It is not too scary. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. In thanks, the fish tells Minli how to travel to Never-Ending Mountain to find the Old Man of the Moon, who may know how Minli can change her familys fortune. It was a boring day, and I tried to figure out what to do. Teachers may opt to lower the security if they want to allow sharing. It was even better than I remembered! When she arrives to find the Old Man of the Moon, he offers her what seems to be a Spartan gift: she can only ask him a single question. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. While her mother worries and complains about their lot, her father brightens their evenings with storytelling. The questions focus exclusively on the frame story of Minlis travels, giving students first-hand experience with frame story analysis. Try to elicit the feelings about the life of Minlis village that these words convey. will help you with any book or any question. What is a true friend? Meanwhile, at the Village of Fruitless Mountain, Ba and Ma have decided to return home and wait for Minli, and during this time, Ma feels remorse for having been so discontent when she already had her own precious treasure: her daughter. She walks deep into the forest and travels all through the night, stopping to sleep at first light. The boy finds out that the king is supposed to appear in the Market of Green Abundance. The new book was published on October 4, 2016. This talking creature helps the heroine and her friend along their way early in the story. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. The elder of the family gave up the secret readily. The meaning of that gift can only be revealed by reading the book. Give students a few minutes to survey the book and look at the pictures. 2023 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - All rights reserved. Because of what seemed like a personal sacrifice in favor of helping a friend, Minli and her family receive all they ever hoped for and more. Put the following sentence on the board: There was a mountain near the village. Then have students turn to the first sentence of., This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for. As an optional activity, they may make a bulletin board or wall display that shows the embedded stories within the frame of the main narrative. How does this character interact with the main character. This talking creature helps the heroine and her friend along their way early in the story. The grandfather, A-Gong, gives Dragon medicine that doubles as tea. These characters are the parents of the heroine. Man of the Moon The angry magistrate tore a page from the Old Man of the Moon's book, which was the paper with the secret of happiness. Neither is sure which line is the one they need, so they decide this is another question for the Old Man of the Moon. A fantasy crossed with Chinese folklore, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a timeless story reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz and Kelly Barnhill's The Girl Who Drank the Moon. Then I dropped something and it made a loud noise. The "rock" turns out to be the coveted Dragon's Pearl, which brings enormous wealth to her village. Minlis parents desperately hope she can change the familys fortune. He is tied up with some ropes, so Minli cuts him free. 3. This summer I finally able to purchase the book and re-read it a third time. When Minli finds Dragon, it cant fly and is caught up in some ropes. You can find this storyboard in the following articles and resources: Where the Mountain Meets the Moon characters in a Character Map. Determined to change her familys fortune, Minli sets out to find the Old Man of the Moon, urged on by a talking goldfish who gives her clues to complete her journey. Finding Identity through Childrens Books, Dont Judge a Book by Its Character (Even If It Is Chinese), The Extra Adjective: How I Came to Terms with Being a Multicultural Book Author, Folktales and Ecology: Animals and Humans in Cooperation and Conflict, Helpful Animals and Compassionate Humans in Folklore, "Cinderella" Folk Tales: Variations in Character. When the students come to class, give them time to share their sentences from the pre-activity in small groups. After a brief discussion of types of challengesphysical, emotional, economic, etc.students read the entire book, focusing on the main narrative. Youre always wishing to do impossible things! Stories, drawn from a rich history of Chinese folktales, weave throughout her narrative, deepening the sense of both the characters and the setting and smoothly furthering the plot. When he lands, he says that he feels like he is home. Ma and Ba camp in the forest, and Ba tells the story of a greedy magistrate who tried to steal the secret of happiness from a poor but otherwise perfect family. What benefits did they get from the stories? Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Study Guide: Analysis Mountain Meets the Moon . JOIN GRACES MAILING LISTYoull receive her Author Newsletter in your email inbox! Students plan and then write a personal narrative about a challenge they have overcome using vivid descriptions of persons and places. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a fantasy - adventure children's novel inspired by Chinese folklore. However, she is still not sure if the film will be made or if it will not be made. Then photocopy the sheet to have students keep in their binders. Near a mountain region. Summary. My teacher said she was really surprised and she told me how she felt about my pet. The second is the date of This character came to life from the magic ink by which it was painted and flew away. Not affiliated with Harvard College. See Preparation and Resources.)]. 2. Personification is a literary device that give human traits to nonhuman objects. I brought my pet into school. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.2:Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. Create a character map of the characters in the story. detailed information regarding how the characters interact with the main characters, as Espaol (prximamente) - volver al inicio, Best Movies on Netflix, Disney+, and More, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Best TV Shows on Netflix, Disney+, and More, Growing Up Queer: Thoughtful Books About LGBTQ+ Youth, Check out new Common Sense Selections for games, Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews. As the novel ends, the goldfish man glimpses Minli in a courtyard, looking up at the place where the Mountain meets the moon., "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - Extended Summary" eNotes Publishing Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. Common Sense Media. Characters included in the character map are: Minli Ma Ba Goldfish Man Dragon Buffalo Boy King Da-A-Fu A-Gong & Amah Green Tiger Rabbit Old Man of the Moon Copy Activity*
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